Monday, March 9, 2009


I am NOT in the working mood recently....NOT because of the ECONOMIC RECESSION,is because ALL THE PEOPLE LEAVING....

I CANNOT believe that in a year time that is so many colleague's resigned...I though economic recession that will not many people will resign but I think I am TOTALLY WRONG!!!

1st is my best dude,SAM....but I am support him coz he is continue his hard man,I will join you soon....
next is CHRISTEBELLE....since she left we are seldom contact...dunno what she doing recently??hope she is fine in everything.....
CHLOE and KATHRYN just resigned....CHLOE will continue her study and wat bout KATHRYN??? I cant even contact her up??? are u fine my dear???
STEVEN,OLIVIA and DAVID....luckily today I just have a lunch with STEVEN and OLIVIA just dropped me my belated bday gift a week ago....both is doing GOOD!!! but how bout DAVID???Hope is doing GOOD too....

I really MISS those day getting together....
By the chance,I proclaim I am going to RESIGN on APRIL....the reason that I want to resign is because I am continue my futhur STUDY too....I think is the time to me to continue my study...but I had gained a lot in this 2 years....I got a lot of frenz here...and value experience....all the best 'SEED'

1 comment:

-sWeI- said...
